In essence, the tender documents are generally used for seeking new offers for a specific submission or prospect. You can prepare it for a wide array of contracts, like construction papers, equipment supply, enabling operations, demolition, etc. Usually, while preparing the documents, you should break them into at least a few different packages.
Each needs to have its own unique design so that you can differentiate between them and issue with the primary contractor. This, in turn, will make it easier for the contractor to price the tender. Moreover, if your tender documents are well-organized, then you can also compare it with different tenders and find the best one among them.
So what are the different documents that you will need to deal with while preparing a tender? Let’s know more about them.
1. Invitation to Tender
Also known as a tender invitation letter, an invitation to tender tends to be the first formal paperwork of your procurement procedure. A purchasing organization usually offers it to possible suppliers of . With this type of tender documents, you can bid for any contract for both services and goods.
2. The Form of Tender
As the name suggests, it is a specific form, where you, as a tenderer, fill in every detail regarding their offer. The paper might also include the detail of the amount of sum you are thinking about dishing out to finish up the work. However, a section called “schedule” in the form requires the earnest attention of a tenderer. It usually specifies the time limit options regarding the construction project.
3. Pre-construction Information
The pre-construction information-related tender documents generally require you to create a plan for the construction project. Hence, it might include designing, securing entitlements and permits, accumulating resources, etc., for the project. Aside from it, you will need to fill-up the form of site waste management as well. However, in some cases, you may not have to do anything about it as well!
4. The Form of Contract
The form of contract usually includes everything regarding the amendments and conditions regarding your brand new project. It might feature the following -
- Model enabling amendment for BIM (building information modeling)
- Creation of a separate BIM protocol
- A contractual document regarding the placement and management of the site
5. Tender Pricing
The tender pricing document can help your design team and the client review a subtle breakdown of the tender prices offered by the tendering contractor. It is known as an un-priced quantity bill. Most of the pricing-based tender documents tend to include the primary format of a cost plan. Nevertheless, the preliminaries, such as staff costs, might be offered in a more detailed manner.
6. Design Drawing and Specification
Aside from all these, you will also need to fill a design drawing form as well. Moreover, there will be a building information module available in this aspect as well. In the specification form, you will need to provide the feature-based details of your project. Additionally, you will also need to go through a tender return slip for documentation purposes.
So, these are some of the common types of tender documents that are related to constructional applications. If you were to work with them, then be sure to take the help of an expert, such as BidAssist! The team members of the same operating in this arena for quite a few years and, thus, can help you in almost every aspect!
Originally published at on December 5, 2020.